At the OCB Figure Competition

At the OCB Figure Competition
Leslie celebrates completion of her first competition!

Leslie's Story in Brief...

46-year-old breast cancer survivor

diagnosed in March 2009

final surgery on June 4, 2010

Professor of Health and Exercise Science at Rowan University

Pastor's wife (of Stuart Spencer, Thompson Memorial Presbyterian Church in New Hope, PA)

Mother of Sam (age 12) and Miles (age 7)

Trained all through chemotherapy and radiation

Completed her first body building competition EVER on August 28, 2010!!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Plans for my SECOND competition in August 2011!

I've received some good feedback from my first competition.  Here's a short list of what I did well and what needs to improve:

Strengths:  Symmetry and proportions, abdomenals, side pose, hair and makeup, legs have good potential

Areas to improve:  overall size, leanness, darker tan, walking and posing, creating v-taper in my back

I have decided to compete in this same competition next year in August 2011.  That gives me a whole year (without any cancer treatment or surgery) to work on it.  I will work with Joe Franco, the event organizer, who also provides complete training and coaching for figure competitors.  I received my first set of nutriton and training guidelines from Joe today and will begin following them tomorrow, Sunday, September 12, 2010.

I feel good and did not experience a "rebound" (i.e. bloating, weight gain) from the competition.  My weight is within 3 pounds of what I weighed on competition day, and it's two weeks later.  I attribute this in part to Joe's excellent nutrition coaching for me.  We didn't do anything extreme that I would rebound from.  I stayed hydrated and my weight loss was slow and careful prior to the show. 

1 comment:

  1. Great article, thanks for sharing information muscle building optimization.
